The big meet, the granddaddy of them all is on tap this weekend when the best of the best head down to Ponaganset High for the RIIL State Cross-Country Championships. This Saturday’s meet has the potential to be one of the more exciting we’ve seen in a while.
Based on what happened at this past weekend’s class championships, and throughout the season, the margin of victory for the individual and team titles could be close, very close with several in the mix. Throughout the week, Ocean State Running will be provide previews of the meet. We’ll give it our best shot at predicting who will show up with their ‘A’ games on the Chieftains covered-bridge trail.
In case you’re wondering, we’re hoping to get the race footage from the class championships on our YouTube page soon. We have been experiencing some technical difficulties, but it looks like we’re getting close to figuring it out.
And on the subject of video coverage, we’ll have our camcorders facing the action again this Saturday for the girls’ and boys’ races in addition to our typical coverage.
2:15 p.m. – Girls’ Race
3 p.m. – Boys’ Race
3:45 p.m. – Awards Ceremony