It will be a busy time for us here at Ocean State Running this week.
It will be a busy, but it’s a good busy.
Throughout the week, OSR will preview all six races at Saturday’s RIIL Class Championships. Who are the top teams and individuals that will be competing on Ponaganset’s covered-bridge trail? We’ll have it here, beginning with Class C, followed by Class B and Class A.
Since 2004, only Bishop Hendricken and La Salle Academy have been able to hoist the trophy at the end in Class A boys with the Hawks earning the hardware 12 times, including last year. Will that change or will we see a new champion over the weekend? Can Barrington (Class B) and St. Ray’s (Class C) defend their crowns? On the girls’ side, Cumberland looks primed to make it two in a row in Class A, but can teams like North Kingstown or La Salle take it away? East Greenwich has captured four straight in Class B leading up to Saturday. Will it be No. 5 in 2023? Moses Brown, our 2021 victors, appears ready to make it happen in Class C. Can anyone challenge the Quakers in their quest for the title?
We’ll do our best to preview what can happen (individually and team-wise) when the state’s best head to The Reservation for the class meets.
Below we provided the schedule for Saturday’s meet, which also includes the JV state meets (girls and boys). Six team champions, six individual winners. It doesn’t get any better than that.
(Defending champions in italics)
10 a.m. Class C Girls
Teams: Tiverton, North Smithfield, Rogers, Burrillville, St. Raphael Academy, Mount St. Charles, Scituate, Prout, St. Mary’s Bay View, Exeter/West Greenwich, Moses Brown, Providence Country Day, Middletown (individuals), Narragansett, Lincoln School, Juanita Sanchez (Note: Defending champion Westerly moved to Class B)
10:30 a.m. Class C Boys
Teams: East Greenwich, Prout School, Scituate, North Smithfield, St. Raphael Academy, Moses Brown, Tiverton, Blackstone Valley Prep, Exeter/West Greenwich, Rogers, Juanita Sanchez, Narragansett, Providence Country Day, Westerly, Burrillville, Mount St. Charles
11:00 a.m. – Class A Girls
Teams: North Kingstown, Cranston East, North Providence, Toll Gate, Mount Pleasant, Cranston West, Pilgrim, East Providence, La Salle Academy, Woonsocket, Classical, Hope, Cumberland, Coventry
11:30 a.m. – Class A Boys
Teams: Coventry, Toll Gate, Tolman, Pilgrim, Mount Pleasant, North Kingstown, Bishop Hendricken, Hope, Cranston West, Cranston East, East Providence, Cumberland, Woonsocket, La Salle Academy
12:00 p.m. – JV State Meet Girls
12:45 p.m. – JV State Meet Boys
1:30 p.m. – Class B Girls
Teams: Johnston, Portsmouth, Shea, Smithfield, Chariho, Davies, South Kingstown, East Greenwich, Central Falls, Westerly, West Warwick, Mount Hope, Ponaganset, Barrington, Tolman, Lincoln
2 p.m. – Class B Boys
Teams: Mount Hope, Ponaganset, Shea, South Kingstown, Central Falls, Portsmouth, Chariho, Johnston, Davies, Smithfield, Barrington, Lincoln, West Warwick, North Providence, Classical